One week ago my sis visited the vultures of the Zoo Berlin. To get to the vultures as soon as possible she asked the ticket saleswoman for the way to the vulture-enclosure. The saleswomans seemed to be very surprisend and my sis thought she would not even know what vultures are. But suddenly the woman answered my sis's question with another question: "Which species of vultures would you like to see first?" Haha, great answer! And a good question, 'cause there are so many different species of vultures living in Berlin. Enjoy:
Cute, young Andean Condor: Andean Condor daddy:
Bearded Vulture:
Eurasian Griffon Vulture "Fritz":
Another Eurasian Griffon Vulture:
Special Guest White-necked Raven: Hooded Vulture:
King Vulture:
Palm-nut Vulture:Egyptian Vulture:
White-headed Vulture: