Happy Birthday, the Eurasian Griffon Vulture chick of the zoo of Duisburg got three weeks old today!!! While vulture-daddy was sitting next to the nest the fluffy, white chick was hiding under it's mothers feathers.

More than half an hour I had to wait, just seeing the big back and a tiny wing every now and then.
After a while the little sweetheart crept out from under it's mothers feathers and showed his wonderful growing body.Unfortunately the cute chick got irritated by an annoying feather that sticked to the chicks tiny beak. The chick wasn't able to remove the feather, no matter how hard it tried by shaking his neck and head. Unbelievable, how cute this little vulture chick is!!!
Vulture-mommy first did not notice the problems of her chick, because she was very busy with cleaning her own plumage.
Sweet dumpling...
After fidgeting and head-shaking for a long time the annoying feather suddenly stuck to the chicks eye. I guess it was tickling very bad, cause the poor chick got very uneasy :-(
I am glad it's mother finally noticed her chicks problem and tenderly removed the annoying feather with her big beak! Never let it be said that vulture-parents aren't caring!!!
In the end there is no annoyance in the vulture chicks face anymore...
Slowly but surely it's time to snuggle down in vulture-mommys plumage...
...nibbling at the itchy wing...
... and cuddling vulture-mommy... Wonderful!!!
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