Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cute Cape Vulture chick at VulPro

Wonderful news from VulPro in South Africa!!! After more and more eggs were laid in the Cape Vulture breeding enclosure of VulPro the cute littles chicks start hatching now!!!
The most wonderful news I got today: My favourite Cape Vulture couple became proud parents! Don't they look entirely happy and proud??? How excited they are observing and protecting their egg, where you can see the little egg tooth breaking the shell... hard job, it took 45 hours!
This vulture couple grew dear to my heart in February, because they both have amputated wings - on the opposite side. Although being handicapped the two vultures are deeply in love like no other vulture-couple! Whenever I brought nesting material to the enclosure this couple took the best branches and their nest was getting more and more beautiful. Because of the amputated wings the two vultures are not able to fly. That's why they built their nest on the ground under some perches. That's more dangerous for egg and chick then a nest on the nesting rock, but the vultures were sacrificially protecting their nest  all the time.
Today, early afternoon, the vulture couple got rewarded and a cute, tiny vulture chick came into the world!!! See!?
VulPro, thank you very much for authorizing me using your beautiful pictures for my blog!
You are really doing a wonderful job to protect this amazing species!!!
By the way, if everything goes well the new born Cape Vultures will be released in Namibia, where no more breeding pairs are living and Cape Vultures are nearly extinct!

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