Wednesday, May 30, 2012

58 days old Eurasian Griffon Vulture chick

Unbelievable, how fast the Eurasian Griffon Vulture chick in the Zoo of Duisburg is growing! Every day there is something new to observe, like today! First the chick was playing inside the nest with it's vulture-parents...
... until the chick made an excursion outside the nest, around the tree and a big stone. The first time I saw the chick walking so far! Vulture-daddy was lying in the grass next to the nest and vulture-mommy was lying inside the nest, so the chick was walking in between. The chick bravely and carefully pitter-ptattered, one by one step, and it's claws were shaking all the time.
Standing still works perfect now, but walking is still matter of practise.
It was easy to see that the chick followed his natural instinct and tried to fly! With lively flaps it was using his impressive wings, enjoying the soft, warm breeze. It won't be long until the chick takes off ;-) I guess two more month, but when the chick is still growing so fast, I would not be surprised if the zoo keeper have to clip the chick's wings soon!
Yes, Sweetheart, after such an impressive flying lesson you can be very proud of yourself!!!
Finally some stretching exercises to avoid aching muscles.
Funny sight, isn't it!? The chick is sitting on the left of the tree while vulture-mommy is lying in the nest as if she is still breeding. Unfortunately that's not true...
Vulture-mommy is looking very melancholy! Her chick is leaving the nest and slowly but surely she has to say goodbye to the little, helpless chick of the first weeks. Already after 58 days.... while humans even get sad after 30 years, when their "chick is going to fledge"...

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