Saturday, April 28, 2012

26 days old Eurasian Griffon Vulture chick

Yes, I have to confess I went to the Zoo of Duisburg again to meet the Eurasian Griffon Vultures. The "little" chick is growing so fast that I don't like to miss a moment. By now it's almost as big as a Thanksgiving Turkey!
This time I was very lucky: Because of the surprisingly hot and muggy weather the vulture-parents plumage got too warm for the chick. That's why it was sitting or lying panting inside the nest all the time, pefectly observable!
Hehe, after few minutes two zoo keepers where coming closer and one of them was ecstatic shouting: "Ooooh, monster-baby!" Yes, it is!!! The tiny hatchling became a handsome chicken, although it's not even four weeks old.
Panting for breath, damn muggy today! Every movement is getting an enormous effort for the weak "little" vulture chick...
...but it already learned how to clean it's "feathers" as tidy as it's vulture-mommy!
The strong legs have to be cleaned, too!
By now the chick has got an impressing wing length!!!
Doesn't the chick look very human on this picture? As if it would lay his tired head down on his folded arms (wings)... adorable!!!
Crop bloated with food.
How fluffy vulture-mommys white ruffle is... especially while the chicks neck is still naked.
Tired again...
Vulture-daddy cleaning his plumage.
Stretching exercises next to the nest. Vulture-mommys muscles got very tired of caring for the chick...
... and after stretching, when being able to move again, vulture-mommy is leaving the nest and vulture-daddy takes care for the chick.
Now vulture-daddy is caring for the chick and feeding it with fluid carcass.

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